
Profile analysis
At NewRoadz, people are the top priority in the process. This means that in collaboration with our client we try to find the best possible match. This includes personal and professional characteristics, competencies and attributes. But the real quality can be found on a deeper level. This is why we look to behavior and communication styles of the organization and the team. This creates the profile that starts the search of the perfect candidate.
Search phase
That search consists of several elements, for example, we always search and approach the best-fit individuals in our own unique personal networks and our database. We also use various online platforms and databases to get to know new people. To generate sufficient visibility and awareness, we recruit targeted through online ads and campaigns together with our marketing partner.
Selection phase
After a preselection on requirements (education, knowledge and experience) we invite candidates for a personal exploratory conversation. Afterwards, we conduct a DISC analysis to gain insight into behavior and communication (our consultants are all DISC certified by discfactor). If there are sufficient leads in our opinion, we introduce the candidate to the client so that an introduction can be planned. It is possible to have the candidates do a professional assessment. For this process we have a network of certified NIP psychologists who can assess on competencies and characteristics. Any referees will be checked by us and we organize with the client that 2nd and subsequent steps in the introduction process are completed.
When both candidate and client can agree to be hired with a good feeling and the contract is signed we speak of a placement, we enjoy this moment time after time and are fully involved in the process until this moment. During the initial hiring period, we will keep in touch with both the client and the candidate to see how the new partnership is working out.
Do you want to know more about NewRoadz or register a vacancy with us? Contact us!